InkBridge Networks - A new name for Network RADIUS

Press & Media

InkBridge Networks in the news

InkBridge Networks at a Glance


  • Established: 2008 as NetworkRADIUS
  • Rebranded from NetworkRADIUS to InkBridge Networks 2024
  • Headquarters: Grenoble, France, and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Leadership Team: Alan DeKok (CEO), Marc Rozier (COO)

Industry Focuses: 

  • ISPs, Educational Institutions, Enterprise organizations
  • Digital identity service providers, cloud services providers

Notable Clients Include: 

  • Google, HP, Cisco, Siemens, 
  • Orange, Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, Telefonica
  • Bank of America,  Goldman Sachs 
  • NHS, Eduroam


  • RADIUS, DNS, DHCP, 802.1X, EAP
  • LDAP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Active Directory
  • High Availability, Wi-Fi, Proxying, Roaming, IT administration,
  • Switches (Cisco, HP, Juniper, etc.),
  • BSD, Mac OSX, Linux and more.

Core Offerings:

  • Foundational network solutions – RADIUS, DHCPv4, DHCPv6, TACACS+, DNS
  • Services – solutions engineering consulting, training, expert witness testimony, patent consultation
  • Support – on-going service and support for our products within critical network systems

Key Dates


The open-source FreeRADIUS project, co-created by Alan DeKok is launched


FreeRADIUS becomes the most widely used RADIUS server globally


Alan DeKok launches Network RADIUS to address commercial support needs

Alan DeKok appointed Co-Chair for the EMU Working Group at the IETF, tasked with modernizing Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and creating a new standard EAP network authentication method.


Senior software engineering executive and entrepreneur Marc Rozier joins Network RADIUS as COO


Alan DeKok joins the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), contributes to standards development, industry guidelines, trials, certification and advocates for Wi-Fi


Alan DeKok elected WG Co-Leader for RADIUS Accounting Assurance at the WBA, tasked with establishing industry guidelines for Wi-Fi roaming stakeholders.

Alan DeKok becomes Co-Chair for UTA for the IETF, charged with defining standards and best practices for using TLS (Transport Layer Security)

Alan DeKok awarded the WBA Contributor Award

Network RADIUS rebrands as InkBridge Networks

Led by the Network Security Industry's Top Experts

Learn more about InkBridge CEO, Alan DeKok: | Team About Page | LinkedIn  

Follow: LinkedIn | X | Instagram 

Designations & Contributions 

  • WG Co-Leader for RADIUS Accounting Assurance at the Wireless Broadband Alliance 
  • Co-Chair of UTA at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 
  • Co-author of numerous AAA and RADIUS related RFCs 
 Learn more about Inkbridge COO, Marc Rozier:  

Team About Page | LinkedIn

Designations & Contributions 

  • Laureate, Grand Prize, Tremplin Entreprise  
  • French Ministry of Research R&D Funding Winner  
  • Contributor to WiMAX Forum Specifications and Fixed-Mobile Convergence Alliance architecture 
  • Contributed to standardization bodies (POSIX) 
  • Lecturer at Paris VI University, Telecom ParisTech, Telecom SudParis, ENSTA ParisTech 

InkBridge Networks Social Accounts 

LinkedIn | X 

Media Assets


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